Lots of folks around the interwebs are saying today that Coach Urban Meyer is stepping down as the leader of the Florida Gators, effective following the Bowl Game against Penn State.
You read that correctly- the coach retiring after that game will not be Joe Paterno.
It’s been a rough season for the Gators, which could certainly aggravate the medical condition that caused Urban to briefly retire last season.
According to sources (if it’s on the internet, it must be true!), there’s a press conference scheduled today. We’ll keep you posted as this develops.
UPDATE: ESPN Confirms. And if anyone knows the SEC, it’s them.
You’ve got to wonder how this might impact any decisions at the University of Michigan- would AD Brandon want to make any moves in an off season where there are some large openings already in process (Miami, Florida, Pitt, Texas Offensive Coordinator…)? Or in a year where the NFL has and may see more opening for head coaches?
Seems as if Indiana and Minnesota were wise to make the moves they did when they did.
UPDATE 2: Just got an interesting reminder from a friend in Colorado: “You know Tebow is currently coachless- Just sayin’…”
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