Sabres marketing

Sabres marketing

Seriously, does a guy want his favorite hockey player to look like he’s fondling a stick?

Girls, I’m going to get a lot of shit for this.

The Sabres announced a month ago that they had a 94% renewal of season tickets for the season. But what kind of confuses me is the fact that if you go to their website, tickets for all of their October games are available. Didn’t the Sabres supposedly have about 14,000 season tickets sold two years ago with a waiting list of like 5,000? So the question is how many season tickets has the team sold?

Here is my theory. I think the Sabres are full of shit. I think the team’s marketing strategy is to make the team “thee” thing to do in Buffalo. How do you get people to walk through the door? You hype the shit out of it! You make it the trendy spot. It’s like you’re driving past a club and their is a huge line to get in it. What do you do? You say to your friend, “Yo, that spot looks hot lets check it out.” You wait in line, and then you feel great that you were able to get in because the line was forever. And you get in and… it’s not even crowded. They want you to think that the event is so hot, that you are going to do everything to see what the deal is.

Lets be frank, the Sabres got hot after the lockout. Prior to that they were a fair niche sport that sold out only for Canadian teams and playoffs. When they got hot, they did something even the Bills didn’t think of doing. They were marketing to girls. Why do you think they have those GQ black and white photos of the players at the arena. Why do you think they are doing those corny ass red carpet intros prior to the season? Hell they were selling Abercrombie & Fitch wannabe sweaters for 100 dollars. How many girls screamed when they saw Max play? (and can someone tell me what is sexy about the dude?)

I’ll even make the case to say the Sabres kept Max around for so long because chicks dig him. And I’ll go a step further and say if Tim Connolly looked like Chris Drury, he’d be gone. That’s the one thing the Sabres have over the Bills. Girls think hockey players are sexier than football players.

Sabres marketing

Easy there Henrik, lean on that stick more you might fall on it and hurt yourself

And not to be sexist, but who would be more excited about going to a trendy event? A guy or a girl? Which goes back to my point of the Sabres lying about season tickets to make the games a must see event. Now is it a bad thing? No, who doesn’t like being at a hot spot? I’m just saying. Comments are open.

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