Saints Nation: Saints pick up a couple defensive players from Wake Forest in 2nd round

Saints Nation: Saints pick up a couple defensive players from Wake Forest in 2nd round
Saints Nation: Saints pick up a couple defensive players from Wake Forest in 2nd roundThe Saints drafted TWO defensive players from Wake Forest in the 4th round. First they took hard hitting safety Chip Vaughn, and they followed it up two picks later with interior linebacker Stanley Arnoux. If you look at the 3 players selected so far, all defensive players, there’s a clear direction the Saints are taking to improve their team. Personally, I like it. Malcolm Jenkins improves their coverage greatly, whereas Vaughn and Arnoux improve their tackling. Vaughn is a more aggressive version of Roman Harper – he’s big, strong and a ferocious hitter. His coverage ability is his weakness, so I would look for him to back up Harper this season and make an impact on special teams. Arnoux could also make an impact on special teams and will back up Vilma. Arnoux is a little bit more of a head scratcher, because there is no guarantee he’ll beat out Marvin Mitchell for a roster spot, and because most boards have him as a late round draftee. The Saints may have reached for this guy. One thing is for sure, they obviously like the way Wake Forest plays defense (and they should). 

On another interesting note as we sit half way through the 4th round, there is still only 1 LSU player drafted.
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