Saturday Morning Practice

So, I went to practice today. The first group wasn’t worked too hard as they are playing tonight in San Jose. They were a lot of the same ones that played last night. Don Maloney was there and appeared to be taking a lot of notes. I am guessing there will be a lot of cuts after today.

The second group got their asses worked like mad. I felt so bad for the goalies. There was a drill where everyone had to skate and then do 5 push ups. They did this drill over and over again. I felt like Herb Brooks was there yelling “AGAIN, AGAIN”. By the end poor Joel Gistedt looked like he was going to puke. He could barely move. G has been worked so much this training camp. It’s good, means they want him to reach his full potential on North American ice. Al and Tater also looked like they were going to drop. Doan, Aucoin and Sauer looked to be having a contest of who could do the best push ups. They were going all out.

My goalie love is outta control this season.

Francis gave Amy the stare down. I think he likes her since she made him a sign. 🙂 Francis like Amy.

Flyers game will be on in 20 minutes. Carci and Emery are playing. Tollefson was supposed to be in the lineup but took a puck to the face this morning. I was looking forward to hearing those three.

Pictures. I will try to post those later today. I haven’t even taken them off my camera yet. I will have some pretty good seats for taking pics at the games I get to go to. Yay!

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