Scal reuniting with Thibs?

Scal ring

Would Michal Finley or Brian Scalabrine count as the good shooter the bulls need? 

-Vince Kabat

Sam: I think Finley is too old at this point, but Scalabrine is a guy the Bulls have talked with a lot this summer and especially with Thibodeau I can see him as possible depending on what goes on regarding Fernandez. I know guys like Steve Novak have been at the Berto working out more in pickup type games, which the Bulls do with guys before the season. The job, for now unless it’s Fernandez, is a 12th or 13th man who might play a day a week. You need a good team guy willing to root a lot and Scalabrine would be that. If they can’t get Fernandez, I’d take a shot at him if the price is right, though for now I’d guess the Bulls add someone from training camp as a non guaranteed guy to hold space for a trade. Ask Sam Mailbag (via WEEI)

This should tell you something about what Scal can bring to a team.  Not a ton in terms of stats, but a guy who can be trusted to get into a game and run what you want him to run without detracting from the rest of the team. 

And really, when you have a 12th or 13th man… isn't that what you want?  A guy who won't screw up… who might hit a couple of shots for you… and who'll work his tail off and do everything you ask him to do.  There's a place for that guy in the league… especially since he knows he's that guy and a lot of 12th or 13th men are trying to be 7th or 8th men.  Yeah, they'll work hard for you… but they may think they're more than what they are.  

Good luck Scal… hope you find a place to land.

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