Scheider Looks Solid in Debut

Scheider Looks Solid in Debut

The Devils played their first preseason game of the 2013/2014 season and there were certainly some positives to take away from that game. 

  • Cory Schneider looked great in goal. His positioning seemed very good for September. I know that teams are going to get better chances against him as they learn their timing but Scheider looked a lot better than I thought he would since it's only the beginning of training camp. I'm still excited with what he and Brodeur can bring as the #1 & #2 this season. 
  • Eric Gelinas has one heavy shot and it was mentioned that his goal for this season was to make the NHL (kind of a "yeah like duh" comment because I think every AHL player's goal in September is to make the NHL) but there might be a chance for Gelinas to make it. I still think that if any more of the Devils D-men go, it will be Fayne which would open the door for Gelinas. However, I can defend Fayne just a bit on his hooking call that prevented a short-handed breakaway.
  • Tedenby got off to a decent start. The comment wasn't made about Tedenby but much like Gelinas, he wants to make the team and establish himself as an NHL regular. I thought he played well but he's going to have to continue to play well because the Devils are bringing in Damien Brunner for the rest of camp on a "Tryout Contract." Brunner is a speedy guy that could bring a great element to the Devils offense but there isn't a lot of room for more guys in this lineup so if Brunner is here to stay, someone has to go.
  • We heard a lot about Reid Boucher last year but I was left feeling very unimpressed in his first NHL action. I said it last year and I will say again (even if that means I get a visit by Janssen at my front door!!) He's a terrible hockey player and doesn't really belong on the Devils roster and I'm fairly certain he will find his ticket back to Albany pretty soon. WHen he first came into the NHL, he used to create energy by laying out people and picking fights. That's not the NHL anymore and he doesn't have the skill to be out there. He did get to use his fists last night but sadly the one thing he used to do well, he didn't do well last night. 

I know it was only preseason and you don't always face the best that the opponents have to offer but I thought the Devils showed some great things, worked hard  and got the win. Even though it's only preseason, it's always great to beat those Rangers!!

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