Scott Parker is Who We Thought He Was

And that would be ‘tough as nails’ as mentioned in a post on Parker last week. Over the weekend Jon Swenson from over at Sharkspage filled me in with some good info on Parker from last year when he was in San Jose. Apparently the guy is as tough as he looks in this picture and still takes time out for the fans. You gotta love any player who does that. The video on the right is Parker blowing up a favorite around these parts, George Parros. It’s quite impressive to watch how quickly he circles his prey before he attacks. I’ve never seen anything like it. The following comes from Jon…

“not only do average NHL players fear him, Parker scared the bejeebus out of legitimate NHL heavyweight enforcers. Last year against Anaheim’s top heavyweight and porn mustache champion George Parros, Parker dropped him with 2 punches that did not even land flush. Parros was flat on the ice before the fight even started. Hard to get a fight photo when no one wants to come near the enforcer. But I did run into him twice on the street, and he was signing autographs and joking around with a few younger fans each time.”

Gotta love that. Sounds like a class act and a hell of a fighter. Scott Parker is my new favorite player. I can’t decide if I would like to meet him, though. I would be too afraid of the right hook._uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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