Second Round Sleepers You Want On Your Team

2nd round sleepers

2nd round sleepers

While NBA Commissioner David Stern thinks the end of the first round of the NBA Draft is his chance to hand over the reigns to Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver, it’s really the beginning of a treasure hunt.

Teams like the San Antonio Spurs have almost perfected the art of second-round searching with picks like Manu Ginobili and DeJuan Blair, but for the teams without the in-depth scouting that’s required, luck is heavily relied on.

While this year’s draft is considered to be weaker than the possible 2014 NBA Draft, there is talent lying within the second round that can not only make an NBA roster but play key roles as well.

Here are three players who could step into the NBA and contribute, in other words, our second-round sleepers.

Second Round Sleepers You Want On Your Team

Erik Murphy –  Senior Power Forward 6-foot10 238 lbs

Murphy’s biggest knock is that he spends as much time in the paint as he does in the women’s restroom. The only difference is that NBA Scouts wanted to see him close to the basket. Murphy has a pure stroke from behind the arc. He shot about 45 percent from three-point territory this past year for Florida. His footwork is sluggish and he looks awkward with his back to the basket, but solid NBA coaching can make him an average-NBA-post player. He can defend in the post, but don’t expect him to send too many shots back. He doesn’t leave the ground quick enough to become a consistent shot blocker. Murphy has a high basketball IQ and can add spacing to an offense with his range.

NBA Player Comparison: Steve Novak

Possible Draft Picks: Los Angeles Lakers 48th, Orlando Magic 51st, and Memphis Grizzlies 55th.

Second Round Sleepers You Want On Your Team

Brandon Paul-  Senior Shooting Guard 6-foot4-4 200 lbs

Paul has a chance to be the key steal of the 2013 draft. He’s not too explosive, but he’ll beat the average defender off the dribble. His preference is to use his first NBA contract to buy a home on the perimeter because he loves to pull up from deep. He comes off the high pick and roll without looking to penetrate or pass. His release is quick enough and he’s consistent, but Paul needs to work on driving to the basket. He could get caught in traps off the pick and roll before he has a chance to get the shot off, and that means he needs to improve his ball handling and decision making. He has active hands on the defensive end, but I question if he’ll be able to play man-on-man against the Dwyane Wade’s of the league.

NBA Player Comparison: Marcus Thornton

Possible Draft Picks: Philadelphia 76ers 42nd, Portland Trailblazers 45th, and Minnesota Timberwolves 52nd

Second Round Sleepers You Want On Your Team

Adonis Thomas-  Sophomore Small Forward 6-foot-7 240 lbs

Thomas had a down year from behind the arc this past year, shooting 29.2 percent. Although he took more than twice as many three-pointers in year two, Thomas did shoot 40.5 percent as a freshman, though he only played 455 minutes that first year. He’s a good shooter, but the drop off in three-point percentage shows that his legs turned to Jello with the extra playing time. He’ll need to condition more if he wants to hang around the NBA. For a player who’s 240 lbs, Thomas does not spend much time in the post. He’ll drop weight with an NBA conditioning regimen. He likes to catch and shoot off of screens, but he’ll need to develop another level of his game. He’s very raw, but he could be a second or third scoring option for team’s second unit. He’s someone to tickle the twine when your top scorers are catching a breather. Thomas will need a defensive big man behind him.

NBA Player Comparison: Jared Dudley

Possible Draft Picks: Washington Wizards 54th, San Antonio Spurs 58th, and Memphis Grizzlies 60th


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