Seminole Sound-off: Favorite Place to Watch a FSU Game

Colin Wilson celebrates after a goal

In this week’s Seminole Sound-off, we asked our readers and social media followers where their favorite place to watch a Florida State game was other than the stadium.

From the Staff

Other than the stadium, it’s hard for me to watch a game anywhere except from the comfort of my own living room. The reason is that I’m a bit fanatical and people anywhere else will assume that I’m a lunatic since I do a lot of yelling and pacing.

I’m sure some of you are the same way. Going out in public to watch a game or a friend’s who doesn’t happen to be a FSU fan is just too restricting. I will say that I’ve toned it down a bit since having kids, but just a bit.

-Mike Ferguson
Editor of Noled Out

Written Responses

There is something to be said for experiencing a game with 80,000 people there cheering for the same goal. But as a child growing up, some of my fondest memories are Saturday afternoons watching Florida State. As I near my 33rd birthday, there is a sense of nostalgia to enjoying watching games with my parents & grandmother at home. Other sports and when the opportunity presents itself I also enjoy watching games with my friend Mike Ferguson. We were able to enjoy Jimbo making the ‘Noles a national power again and did not miss a single game during the magical 2013 season. I cannot wait until the fall when I can enjoy more games from wherever I am fortunate enough to watch the ‘Noles.

-Randall Hoffman
Davenport, FL
FSU c/o 2004

Twitter Responses

Home is where the heart is…

Or other people’s homes…

Or other teams’ stadiums…

Next Week’s Question

If not Tallahassee, where would you like to see FSU play next year’s spring football game? Send your tweets to @Noled_Out. You can send long responses to [email protected].

Thanks to all who participated this past week!

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