Senators Getting Calls on their D-Men

From today’s Bob McKenzie chat on Reddit (courtesy of @t_loucks20):

Senators Getting Calls on their D-Men

All things considered, hearing that the Senators are getting “action” on Phillips is pretty incredible. With his age, decline in play and the back ailment that has kept him out of action since he played in his 1,179th game for the Senators, I would have assumed that there would not have been any interest in the veteran defenceman.

Which makes last night’s Bryan Murray interview on TSN more intriguing. When responding to a question about whether there is any interest in moving one of the eight defencemen on Ottawa’s parent roster, Murray answered it in a way that left the impression that he was trying to move a veteran defenceman.

“I don’t have to (move a defenceman), but I would and I’ve talked to a couple of teams about that. If there was an opportunity for a player to go and help and also get a chance to play in the playoffs, I’d certainly let that happen if the right deal was there.”

And why would Murray be that invested in letting a younger player have an opportunity to play in the playoffs when they have the rest of their careers ahead of them?

I’m not sure that he would, so for first time in years, the possibility of a Phillips trade seems closer to being realized than ever before.

Don’t let me down Bryan because that $2.5-million in salary that Phillips is owed next season could be put to much better use.

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