Series Preview: Mariners vs. Angels vs. Comfortably Numb


Series Preview: Mariners vs. Angels vs. Comfortably Numb   VS.

FRIDAY, 9/20: Erasmo Ramirez vs. Matt Shoemaker: Rookie blues.

Matt Shoemaker is slated to make his first major league starting appearance against the lowly M's. Then again, he is starting for the lowly Angels, so there's something to be said for that. People aren't really too high on this move due to Shoemaker's underwhelming season, but this has less to do with him and more to do with the Angels lack of depth. There really is no other move besides Shoemaker to make, so you can't really blame the Angels. Lucky for him he's breaking into the majors against the Mariners with this resurgent offense behind him.

SATURDAY, 9/21: Joe Saunders vs. Jerome Williams: Angel-has-beens

Joe Saunders used to be quite the pitcher as an Angel, having a stellar win-loss record for the first few years as an Angels. We all know how useless this stat is now and it's shown on the winded Saunders, who has shown little in his time with the Mariners. Unfortunately for the Angels, Saunders still manages to kill them every time out, so they'll look to an Angel who used to be somewhat good to battle back for the team. Williams might have hit a real bad rough patch, but at least he's showing signs of what he could do.

SATURDAY, 9/22: Felix Hernandez vs. C.J. Wilson: Choke artists ahoy

The Angels are slated to face King Felix, and while he is one of the best pitchers in baseball he always manages to choke against the Angels. He's givien up 5+ run leads, he's given up decisive home runs in clutch time, he just generally does not perform well against the Angels. C.J. Wilson, on the other hand, is a ticking time-bomb on the mound, generally. He's prone to cruising through most of a game before completely falling apart. This can be expected to happen when going up against a big time ace for C.J., even if the opposing offense is nothing to be afraid of. Expect this to be one of those games for C.J..


The index reading for this series is: What is pain?


At this point I'm confident that most of us are pretty much numb to the rest of the season, much like Pink Floyd would want you to be. There's not much to be done for the rest of the season besides test out some rookies and whatnot, but it's all just keeping us on our toes going into next season. Next season will be a real treat for Angel fans, not because we'll be having more "big money" players coming to the Angels; but because we'll be having our own impactful rookies playing in the big leagues.

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