Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire


<![CDATA[With the Bruins up 4-2, Shawn Thornton decided to raise his troll game a little. He apparently squired water at PK Subban a he skated by the Bruins bench. It's a little hard to see, but here's a VINE video of it:


And here’s the play in GIF form. Can see even less in it, but here ya go anyways:

Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire

PK was obviously not too pleased with this and came back to have a little chat with Twos. Probably talking about Mother’s Day plans.

Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire

Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire

And then PK PKed as hard as PK could PK with the ref after that…

Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire

All the while Shawn Thornton is having the time of his life back on the Bruins bench.

Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire

That GIF, man. So good.

Of course, twitter does what twitter does best and made a huge scandal out of the thing. We even have some solid journalism coming out of Toronto about the play.

Yea… spit, water. Same thing. Just like Bruins fans threw beer cans even though the Garden doesn’t sell beer in cans, right? Awful. Also, not sure what the “considering the history” means unless he’s referring to the jerkoff tweets from last week. So bizarre.

Of course, let’s not forget Corey Perry…

Is water squirting the new spear to the nuts? Only time will tell.

Twitter is still burning about this. We’re expecting it to be a smoldering ruin by morning, and are waiting for the 911 calls to flood in. But Dafoomie makes an excellent point here:

Shawn Thornton Trolls PK Subban, Twitter Lights Itself on Fire

We haven’t seen a water bottle be this scandalous since 24/7.


Because it’s the Cup.

UPDATE: Thornton fined $2820.52 for all this.]]>

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