Shoot Outs be Damned!

Last night I had class so I was unable to watch the Coyotes take on the Preds. I did get a few text updates in class but most of them were, “the score is still 0-0”. Wow, 0-0 through the whole game? Dang. These two teams are really evenly matched aren’t they?!

I leave class and get to my car in time to catch overtime and subsequently the stupid shoot out. Obviously not much happened in OT except me screaming at the radio. “Don’t let Ryan Suter have the puck! He gets a lot of OT points!” “Oh, I hate Shea Weber! Don’t let him score”.

Then the shoot out began. I am not a fan of the current format. I don’t like shoot outs for many reasons and I hate the point system on top of that but I digress. The shoot out went 10 rounds, yes 10 rounds!

Who scores the shoot out goals for Phoenix to get us the win? None other than Korps! That kid is solid gold in the shoot outs. He has speed and hands and all that junk. 🙂 We go through a bunch of guys. Robert Lang goes #9 and misses. We are thinking he is still injured. Apparently he didn’t go backhand like he normally does and Tippett normally send him out as Number 2 after Korps! (yes his name is Korps! now, not just Korps).

There I am in my car, at a red light wondering who will shoot 10th. I am trying to remember who we all went through and Adrian Aucoin is announced. At first I am like Adrian? In a shoot out? But he proves to be awesome by scoring a freaking goal!!!!! Sweet! Our dmen (with the exception of Jovo and maybe new guy) are amazing and I love them!

We have now won five in a row. Go us! But wait….don’t get too cocky. We play Chicago this week, which is always scary. We had troubles with them last year so we need to be aware and o top of our game. No sitting back and letting them control the game! No stupid penalties. No damnjovo moments!

In other news…. Hitchcock was apparently fired today (according to stuff I read on twitter) and Kovalchuk will be traded. Apparently LA is out of the Kovalchuk lottery. That is all I know on that. JP has been placed on re-entry waivers (*crosses fingers* please don’t let anyone take my JP, please don’t let anyone take my JP *keeps fingers crossed). Since JP is a center, I am thinking we have recalled him to cover for Lang. It sounded as if Lang might still be injured from last nights broadcast. It might be best to have him chill for a bit. We will need him later in the season, that final playoff push and into those extra games after the season ends. Best to let hi rest and fully recover now. Have I mentioned I love JP? He is my lil French Canadian boy! OMG! JOEL!!!!!!!! Oh, I also saw something about Pogge and G needing to be called up to SA. YAY G (another Joel)! I love G. OMG, I love boys named Joel with accents. Crazy. Um, Yandle on Team USA? I say go for it!

Ok, I think that is all I have for now. YAY JOEL(s)! (sorry, I couldn’t resist)

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