Shots from the Schott

We are back with one of our features in which Joe brings us the “vibe” from Buckeye home games this year…

Shots from the Schott
Thad's loving the Zubaz

  • 2 days and over 27,000 people at the Schott.  Full house for the men’s game of 19,500 and 7,500 for the women’s game!
  • Students on the sidelines is a great move-  Just does so much more for the atmosphere.  Still need more interaction from the rest of the arena, though.
  • New jerseys.  How sweet were those!  Matta surprised the team in the locker room after they had come out with the regular ones for warm-ups.
  • Craft, where did the jumper come from?  Leave him open and he will hurt you as we saw yesterday.
  • Sully, people won’t stop talking about his rear end.  The BTN even has a show where his dad is talking about it.
  • Music and cheers at the game, I love the band, I love the Battlecry obviously!  But sometimes we need to lean on the energy songs for more crowd energy; the bell ringing, Black Eyed Peas in the last minute, etc.  One can only do so many Let’s go Bucks and Defense cheers.  Need some more creativity from the students.
  • Free Throw shooting under 70% isn’t going to cut it in close games, and on into post season play.  J$ needs to concentrate a little bit more from the stripe.
  • Having 5 guys over 33 minutes is scary thinking about post-season play with no legs again.  This is the one area that I will never understand with Matta’s coaching strategy.
  • Sibert, why no Sibert?  Some time in each half is not going to lose us games and if we hit foul trouble, will he be ready?  These are the games when we need to get him time.
  • 18 games in and Deshaun Thomas doesn’t have 10 assists on the season yet.  Pass out the double/triple team-  Sully did a great job yesterday of this.
  • Undefeated season?  13 games left 10 of them being tough games @ Illinios, Purdue, @NW, @Minny, @Wisky, MSU, @Purdue,  Illinois, @PSU, and Wisky.  We should be favored in all of them, but winning on the road is never easy, and it is a very talented Big Ten this season.  I don’t see it happening and neither did the people that asked the question.
  • Weatherspoon, lots of raw talent, but academics?  Will he get it together?  No one seems to have the answer.
  • Legs on threes in the second half.  They were falling and then they stopped.  Were our legs getting tired?
  • Battle is a great player!  Second best player on the floor yesterday.  Glad we had the best player!
  • Women back on track, knocking off the #10 MSU Spartans after losing 6 of 9 games.  Hopefully this is the end of the losing.  Having Schulze go down to what looked like a knee injury could be a big blow.
  • Parking, people, when there is a full house, the parking situation is going to be different than when there are 8-9,000.  Show up on time, and follow directions.  If you go to the mall and the spot is full you take the next one.

Go Bucks! Will be back Wednesday as we look to go 19-0!

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