Shots from the Schott…Indiana

Shots from the Schott...Indiana
Meyer and his crew

It has been awhile since the last shots from the Schott article, but all these early weekday games and blowouts haven’t left much time for any good info other than “hey, we looked great and blew another team out at home.” We have had one game at home that we didn’t win by double digits. That was the Florida game, which was a 7 point victory. Today marked the 2nd smallest win on the season at home and it was a 17 point spread.

Here are my thoughts after watching the Indiana game live.

  • After the last game, I told those who would listen that in the Schott with better officiating we would win by 20-30. I was close enough with a 17 pt win.
  • We have won 36 in a row at home which is the third longest streak in the country behind only Duke and Kentucky.
  • Interesting stat: Today marked the 69th sellout at the Schott. The Bucks are 56-13 in those games.
  • The defense really stepped up today, holding IU to a season low 14 pts in the first half.  49 in the second isn’t good, but they played all half with a 20 pts lead.
  • Heard Chris Jent really laid into the team after the Illinois loss, telling the team they were not playing tough enough. I will wait ’til we go on the road and show that toughness, but today was a good start back on the right track.
  • Lenzelle going for 28 today was quite the surprise, especially considering his career high was only 12 before today. I think that if he can continue to gain confidence he can really help stretch the defense- but it isn’t just about his 3 pt shooting, he can get into the lane and create for himself or others.
  • I like what Evan provided off the bench today- hard nosed defense and some offense as well.
  • Thomas, Sully, and Craft were all solid again.
  • Buford continues to struggle some. While his game today was a little better, I am still waiting for him to play a little more within himself and not forcing.  4 tos is a lot.
  • Matta rotated well today, but 4 guys over 33 minutes in a 17 pt victory is still pushing it.
  • I really cannot stand Tom Crean- there is just something about him that irks me the wrong way and I loved every bit of him continuing to scream at his team and not getting much response or cutting into our lead.
  • Now for the fun stuff. In shoot around this morning it was fun to watch Craft knocking down half courters and Ross playing some one on one with Coach Jent. I really like Ross’s jumper but think he is going to really need to work on his defense.
  • Gene Smith getting booed was a low point for the day, but I believe the guy has really lost all hope of being liked again. It is the same type of situation when Holbrook was the president. It is just time for him to go. The sooner the better- as was the case with his intro of Meyer, he couldn’t get off the court fast enough.
  • Meyer is just so intense and fun to listen too.
  • Luke was introduced first and got a huge applause with the chants of Luuuuuukkkee. It was great to hear him get that rising cheer. He had a very tough situation to handle this past year and Buckeye fans really appreciate what he did holding the ship together.
  • It was a breathe of fresh air when Meyer introduced offensive coordinator Hermann and said “we are going to open it up with the spread.
  • Meyer was happy with Vrabel sticking around and then told him that “Luke got a better applause“.
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