Sign Lowell? David Ortiz needs surgery?

With the news that the Red Sox are thinking about engaging in contract extension talks with Mike Lowell, I posited the following question to Firebranders. The result is unsurprising:

Should the Red Sox sign Mike Lowell to a three-year deal?
I’m not comfortable giving more than two guaranteed years.
43% of all votes
Yes, do it! That’s what it will take.
26% of all votes
One year. Sorry Mike, but you’re at the point where we can’t give in.
20% of all votes
Let him walk!
10% of all votes

I am in the majority of this as well. Mike Lowell should return; he’s shown he can still contribute offensively, and he’s the best fielding third baseman of all time in terms of fielding percentage (unfortunately, he’s doing what he can to dip below Brooks Robinson this year) and he’s also a great character guy. I have no qualms, especially looking at the free agent market for first-basemen and third-basemen this upcoming offseason, giving him two years with a club option for a third.
In other Sox news, rumor has it that David Ortiz will be undergoing knee surgery after the season is over. Can’t say I’m surprised. He didn’t just have his power disappear overnight; his hamstring troubles have made it hard for him to get deep into his crouch to uncoil his bat. His power has come from his legs, and most of his power these days is being generated by his hips. The legs drive the hip for both batters and pitchers, and when you take that out, bat speed and pitch velocity will decrease.
If he does the surgery now, he’s out for two and a half months. Factor in potential setbacks, rehab time, getting in shape … it’s not worth it. It’s not like he’s having an awful year. The man is hitting .314/.434/.556 which is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. As a matter of fact, his power sapping (if you can call a .556 slugging power sapping) has helped his batting average, as his formerly long flyouts are now dropping in for singles and doubles. Look, we would all love to have 50-homer Ortiz back; but his current form is still to be feared.
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