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Silver Bullet Points Don't Need No Stinking
Old school

Buckeye 411

  • Injury Report- Shugarts foot will continue to be a problem, Stoneburner is still probable, Mike Adams has violent stomach flu. Here’s hoping that it won’t be the strain that went through the Buckeyes last year (no pun intended).
  • Injury Report, the Sequel- When asked, Coach Tressel commented that Terrell Pryor is “ready” to be a two way threat this week. Whether or not that means he’s completely healed, it certainly means that the game plan will look different than it did against the Hoosiers.
  • Tress TalkCoach spoke about the Badgers’ offense, and highlighted that while the running backs may get the publicity, QB Tolzien is the key to Wisconsin’s offense

I think their offense starts with the toughness that their quarterback shows. Their quarterback stands in there and holds that ball until the last second when the receiver is ready to break and runs when he has to run, kind of plays a little bit in the shadow of their rush game, which their rush game is — it deserves all the kudos that it gets, but their quarterback just kind of whatever the team needs him to do, he does, and he’s a veteran. He’s got a veteran offensive line who are very, very physical. Their tight end position is always one of the deepest and best utilized tight end corps in the Big Ten.

  • Ah, An Autumn Night In Madison- The Badgers have only lost four times at home as of late, and only three of those have come at night.
  • Tress Talk, The Sequel- On playing Wisconsin with the number one ranking in the balance,

Well, they were going to be ready if we were 15th. I mean, I don’t know that that will change their readiness. What’s most critical is our readiness and our preparation and then how we handle the adversity and how we handle the situation there. There will be times when you can’t hear. There will be times when you’re not in the same comfort zone as you are back in your own meeting rooms at halftime or whatever, but I’m not sure that anything in terms of the rankings are going to change. I mean, Wisconsin is going to be ready, so I don’t know that that will change it.

  • Brandon Saine- Sounds like they’re trying to find a way to get him the ball and have his skill sets on the field, but that might not be in the running game. A reporter asked about having him as an option in lieu of Jake Stoneburner, and Coach Tressel simply responded that you want your best playmakers on the field as much as you can.
  • Tressel’s Komedy Klassic- As always, presented without commentary or context.

Hard. Hard and long.

  • Award Winners- Terrelle was offensive Player of the Week even thought he didn’t grade out with a winning performance, Torrence was the PotW for the Defense, Mike Adams was offensive lineman of the week, Nathan Williams was the Attack Force PotW. Sabino, DeLande, and TY Williams were recognized for their efforts on the Scout Team. I haven’t heard who won the Tatum award, but it’d be hard to imagine they wouldn’t give it to Devon for this:
Silver Bullet Points Don't Need No Stinking
Assault. Plain and simple

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      BadgesOther Buckeye News

  • Numerology- Jim Tressel is the first coach to win 100 games with two different programs, according to the NCAA.
  • Tastes Like Victory- Justin Boren has adopted (or encountered?) the longstanding tradition of throwing up before every game this year.
  • Tastes Like Victory, With Gravy– Our friend Vico had a great description of Jonathon Hankins’ impact on the Buckeye defensive front.
  • It Would Make Anyone Sick To Their Stomach- Ohio State’s preparing for the hostile environment of Camp Randall the best way they know how.


  • I Agree With Nick Saban- Agents are evil, as evidenced by Sports Illustrated’s “Expose'” from Josh Luchs. Included are allegations that Luchs approached then Buckeye Santonio Holmes while he was still at Ohio State. According to Luchs, Holmes rebuffed him because “I’ve been taking money from [an agent] the last couple years, and he’s been taking care of my family too.”  Holmes has denied any of these allegations. Ohio State’s compliance office is investigating the matter.
  • Can’t Spell It Without “B” “S”- ESPN has the Buckeyes at #5 in the upcoming BCS projections, and see Southern Idaho State at the top. Given how Ohio State, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Nebraska all have their most difficult parts of the season yet to go, it’s not likely that the Broncos will still be there at the end of the year if the rest of the “automatic qualifiers” win out. (yes, I know that Nebraska and Oklahoma would have to play)
  • This Week In The Freek– Got such a great response from last week’s LSUFreek posting, that here’s the response to The Hat’s gambit over Urban:
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Poker face, sans Gaga
  • In Case You Were Wondering- A reporter today asked The Vest about Ohio State having a similar fake field goal-

REPORTER: Do you have that play?

COACH TRESSEL: Do we have that play? Not where it bounces. When you catch it on the fly, we do it that way.

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