Quick announcement and some short news updates this morning…
Introducing: tBBC Mobile platform. If you’ve been reading us on your iPhone or Android Device, hopefully you’ve noticed that we’re a lot more user friendly these days. Thanks to the great work of Chad at digital:construct, we’ve launched a version of this that you can take with you- especially helpful in solving bar arguments with fans from other programs.
Over the next couple of months, we hope to roll out a couple of other ideas and initiatives to help our goal of getting you the news, commentary, and shenanigans that you’ve come to expect whenever and wherever you want it. Now, there’s no excuse to not get involved… in your tweets, on your book of face, or on your phone. In spite of what they say, we think it’s awesome.
Buckeye News
- Making The Grades- Although it certainly didn’t make SportsCenter, the NCAA released APR rates today, and the Buckeye football program came in at 971, with a 4 year average of 985. That 4 year average is second in the conference only to Northwestern over the same time period, and is the highest in the program’s history. Bringing up the rear during that same time period? The Harvard of the West, the Leaders and the Best.
- Great Linkage- The gang at the OZone has a round table with Jim Cordle about the Media Coverage of the current Ohio State scandal, and Ramzy reminds us why 24-7 media sucks.
- Whispers- Yup, we’ve heard them too. We’ll let you know what we know as soon as we know it. For now, though, we stay the course.
- TENNIS! Congrats to the Buckeyes, who finished their season 34-3 with a loss to Virginia, and now begin play for singles and doubles honors.
- BASEBALL!! Tomorrow the Bucks open up against the Gophers in the Big Ten Tournament… head out to the game if you get a chance.
Shameless Plug– You’ll want to stay tuned to tBBC for this week’s return of the Radio Hour. We bring it back with a vengeance with a very special “Money In Sports” edition, with some incredible guest opinions. Seriously, it’ll be worth the memory space on your iPod…
Other News
- Yet Another Disturbance In The Force– Our favorite former Wolverine/former Hurricane is now looking for another new place to land, and seems to have narrowed his choices down to Southern Cal and Auburn. I’d normally go with a “bidding war” joke here, but I’m on step three of “Schadenfreude Anonymous” where you don’t screw with karma.
- SERIOUSLY- While we do have fun at Tate’s expense, we wish him health and stability wherever he lands. Get well, young man.
- Pinkslipped- The Razorbacks are thinning the herd somewhat; in spite of what all the friends who we met during last year’s Sugar Bowl told us, it seems that the oversigning and cutting phenomenon is not limited to Houston Nutt. Not that Nutt-iness has any hope of ending; as the SEC talks about limiting the practice, the Rev. holds that the practice should be as sacred in the south as sweet-tea.
- Speaking Of Oversigning- You’d think that someone who blew over $200k of University (and taxpayer?) money on scouting services would not need to constantly reload with more recruits than he has space for. And, of course, you’d be wrong. Roll Tide.
What’s Not To Like? Certainly not this shirt by our friends at FreshBrewed… Again, the Indians’ successes can be directly tied* to the awesomeness of the FreshBrewed’s work. Be sure to check them out.
*or not. Never really all that good at statistics.
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