Silver Bullet Points Has One Purpose

Silver Bullet Points Has One Purpose
No such thing as overkill. Not this week.

One day late on this- sorry, I forgot that the TressPress was Monday during The Game week.

Buckeye 411

  • Injury Report-In spite of Terrelle’s “dinged wing” motions in the Iowa Game, there’s nothing to report. Rumors that CB2 will be back, or that Boom has a gimpy wheel were not addressed. Ty Moeller? Still out. Dang it.
  • Tress Talk– On The Game

Well, don’t have to tell you what week this is. It’s exciting and there’s nothing like it. You can feel the energy in our building and amongst our kids and coaches and fans and all the rest and on the campus, and we’re looking forward to it.We’re looking forward to the fact that we’re honoring that 1942 team, which one could argue that that’s when a great part of our tradition began in Ohio State football, and not to mention the fact that what those men did once the season was over, they went and served in the ultimate way, and we even lost a couple members of that team in the war, so you put all those things together, I don’t know if you could make the Ohio State/Michigan game any more special, but I think when you mention that football team and what they mean to our program and what they meant to our country, it just adds a little bit more.

These 24 seniors are great kids. They’ve done everything we’ve asked. They’ve been a part of some good football teams and they’re trying to lead this team into being a good football team and they know they only have one more chance back in Ohio Stadium. And I know they’re anxious and nervous and have a lot of emotions going through them right now. It goes fast and there’s about half of them that have been here five years and the other half four, and they’ll all tell you, I’m sure, that it’s been a blur and it’s been wonderful, and they’re going to savor every moment of this week.

You know, I think all of the things that are real, are real, but the things that are most important is what you have to focus on and the execution in a game that you’re so excited about is the focus. The Ohio State /Michigan game is the focus, and then there are tons of by-products for everybody, but the single most one everyone knows that’s ever coached or played at Ohio State is that you’re defined by your Ohio State /Michigan games. Certainly they’re on their way to winning championships or not winning championships or going to BCS bowl games or not going to BCS bowl games, but they have a — the Ohio State /Michigan game has a compartment of its own that is what you need to be most aware of, in my opinion.

  • Award Winners- Rolle was the Big Ten defensive Player of the Week; his coach Luke Fickell as been awarded the Assistant coach of the year by the AFCA.
  • Getting PersonnelFragel-Rock OR Stoney at TE this week. Either way, it’s gonna’ be an avalanche.
  • Award Winners, Continued- TP2 was the offensive player of the week, and Rolle was the defensive POTW. Barclay won the award for the special teams, and Mike Adams was the lineman of the week. The Attack Force award went to John “The Sandman” Simon and Jermale Hines won the Tatum award. Scout Teams POTS: Rod Smith (offense), Darryl Baldwin (defense), and Julian Vann (special teams).
  • Tress Talk, The Sequel Does this make him Starsky or Hutch?

“A lot of times when those two are yelling at each other, I’m not sure, but that’s the love/hate,” Tressel said. “There’s got to be a good guy and a bad guy. I’m usually the good guy, and (Siciliano) is the bad guy. That’s the way I designed it. He knew that when I hired him.

“And I told that to Terrelle when I hired (Siciliano). I said, ‘Hey, this guy is going to be on your fanny constantly. If you have 6 inches wrong on a step, if your hip’s not just right, he is going to be all over you. So get ready for it.'”

  • Tressel’s Komedy Klassic- Again, presented without commentary or context

It will be good turkey.

Silver Bullet Points Has One PurposeSilver Bullet Points Has One PurposeSilver Bullet Points Has One PurposeElsewheres

Silver Bullet Points Has One Purpose
The corn cob is a nice touch
  • Continuing Our Theme- Courtesy of our friends the Dead Schembechlers:

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