A quick update of sorts: Sorry for the sketchy coverage over the past few days; we’re having an ongoing debate with the owners of the intertubes.
Actually, we’ve got a couple of big things we’re working on that should make your Buckeye experience a lot more enjoyable. Thanks for being patient with us…
Here’s the first announcement– tBBC is growing yet again, with another great member of the team. Wrapping up our “all J starting lineup” for this year’s Buckeye hoops tournament, we welcome Joe Dexter to the squadron. Formerly lead editor for Scarlet and Game, Joe brings a background in journalism that will certainly be welcomed here amongst us amateurs. Check the rest of his info in the “About Us” section, and look for an article from him tomorrow (if the server gods deem it so).
Other News
- Lawyer up– If you’re going to face the NCAA, might as well have heavy hitters in your corner. Ohio State hires Chuck Smrt (sorry, this is all I can think of) and Tressel brings OSU alum and former NCAA Compliance Director Gene Marsh to the party. Yup, that guy.
- EDDIE!!!- Congrats to #27, the most recent inductee to the College Football Hall of Fame! We’ll refer you over to MotSaG for a poignant celebration of memory and awesomeness.
- LoLllllloyd– Speaking of the HoF, the former coach of TTUN will be enshrined as well. Personally, we’re excited about the highlight package that will go with this announcement, particularly the last several editions of “The Game”.
- Pants? The Buckeyes will received their Big T1e1n championship rings, it was announced today, but the status of the Gold Pants awards for the victory against the Wolverines is up in the air.
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