Silver Bullet Points- Reloaded

Silver Bullet Points- Reloaded

Like the annual haircut (whether needed or not), a new “look” makes a world of difference, no? Since all of the cool kids were getting new school clothes, we thought in only appropriate to join in on the blog couture arms race.

Big thanks to Chad of Digital:Construct, an OSU alum who was great to work with (even upgraded the old Etch-a-Sketch) throughout the process.

Now, news and notes from the intertubes:

Buckeye 411

  • Injury Report- As mentioned in the comments, CJ Barnett is out for the season after suffering a knee injury against the Hurricanes. While this leaves the Buckeyes a bit thin in the secondary, the good news is that Orhian Johnson is more than capable and was the anticipated starter until injuries impacted his fall practice. There is a possibility of a redshirt, but that’s a discussion from another day.
  • Tress Press Conference- Believe it or not, the Buckeyes actually performed better than Miami in the special teams game, according to the Senator. While the two returns for TDs (first time in Ohio Stadium history) stick in everyone’s minds, the rest of the kicking game was all sorts of win: great yardage on returns and only one missed field goal as contrasted to a missed and blocked field goal and only two returns of significance.  Again, the Vests’ perspective… I just link to this stuff.
  • Tress Press, Continued- Barclay, Chekwa, Pryor, Boren, Larimore with “winning” performances or team accolades; Coach Tressel took the blame for not preparing Terrelle better for the type of situation the Buckeyes encountered at the end of the first half; Not looking past Ohio- well coached, disciplined, blah blah blah
  • Jim Tressel, Comedian- Best part of the press conference, by far:

REPORTER: You’ve lost 41 times playing other Ohio colleges.

COACH TRESSEL: You said that last year but you used 40.

REPORTER: Can you imagine what it would be like —

COACH TRESSEL: You asked the same question. You’ve got to get new material.

REPORTER: I need a better answer maybe.

COACH TRESSEL: What was my answer last time?

REPORTER: I don’t remember.

COACH TRESSEL: Then how do you know it wasn’t good? You weren’t pleased with it, but you don’t know what it was. Man!

  • Awkward Thanksgiving Dinner- One of the big stories this week will be Devier Posey going against his older brother, a starting DB for the Bobcats.  Justin Boren talks about it with the OZone, and the general overview is that, yeah, there’ll be a lot of chatter going on.

Miami news

  • Another Excuse- You want to know what cost the Hurricanes the game? You REALLY want to know? What some fans of ‘Da U will be complaining about for the next seven more years? Twitter.
  • This Week In Schadenfreude- Our friend Josh Winslow caught this after the game. Sad panda ibis?

No Clue At All: I know I’m a little late on this, but it’s been a busy week…

  • Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is– Both Michael Wilbon and Deadspin’s Barry Petchesky have both weighed in on the situation with Georgia’s A.J. Green being suspended for selling a jersey while the NCAA, Nike, and the University are making theirs. Meanwhile…
  • The “Two” Is For “Second Class Citizen”- Over at the Division II University of Missouri-St. Louis, the golf program found itself on a two year probation due to the head coach participating

in various online fantasy football and baseball leagues. In all instances, he paid an entry fee and played for a chance to win prizes, which meets the NCAA definition of sports wagering.

Not only did the former head coach participate in wagering, he also purchased an online fantasy football business and oversaw its operations as part owner and managing partner. In 2008, the former volunteer coach, who was already employed by the university at the time, was hired by the former head coach to work in this business. The former volunteer coach acted as “commissioner” of the fantasy leagues, coordinating the competitions and monitoring the selection of players by those who paid entry fees to participate. In the spring of 2008, he traveled to Las Vegas to oversee a live “draft.”

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