Simon activated? No word on Freeney? What the sheol is going?

Many of you were probably greeted to this line from the Star today.

If anyone is paying attention, the Colts have to agree to an extension with Freeney before the weekend is up. The clock is ticking and there is no word at all yet. So here’s my best guess…

We’ve been told several times that the Simon situation has been holding up the Freeney negotiations. It may be that the Colts brass decided that they just can’t wait any more for grievances to be heard and for the legal business to shake itself out. To get the Freeney deal done in time, they have to activate and cut Cory Simon right now. My guess is that these two stories are related and that this is ultimately good news for the Freeney talks. The fact that nothing has broken in the press about this would seem to confirm that both sides are progressing with satisfaction. If there were snags, surely someone would be trying to add pressure through the media. I think we’ll be getting some clarity on both fronts possibly before the end of today.

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