Sink or Svuem

This is the game we needed. But no.
Good thing I won’t be able to watch the game tomorrow, I won’t be near a TV until nighttime. I’ve got plenty to say about this pitiful excuse for a team (and yes, I know I was all ‘Calm Down’ yesterday, but you can thank Andy, who I correspond with about the Sox via e-mail, for getting it through to me that the Sox just aren’t a good team last night after I posted said entry) but I’m going to wait to see how they respond tomorrow.
Good thing it’s May – it’s useless to worry about games in May.
Hey, Millar – thanks for hitting. Now try hitting for power.
Hey, Renteria. Thanks for coming around. Now do it at Fenway.
Hey, Bellhorn. When a ball is thrown right down the pipe, try to swing at it. That’s the concept.
Hey, Francona. EMBREE SUCKS.
Hey, Wakefield. You should have won.
Sink or Svuem? Either way, you’re screwed.
Thanks to Andy for the below:
…our immensely flawed staff is in the midst of arguably their toughest stretch of the entire season. Quite simply, I don’t see how this team is equipped to get through this stretch without emerging busted up and bloody. By the time we return home from Chicago on June 13th, the damage might just be too much to fix; the hole too deep to climb out of this year.
As Rick Pitino might say if he was Sox manager (and if you’re a long time Celtics fan, you’ll like this…):
“Pedro Martinez is not walking through that door, fans. Orlando Cabrera is not walking through that door. Doug Mientkiewicz isn’t walking through that door. Derek Lowe is not walking through that door. Dave Roberts is not walking through that door. And Curt Schilling is not walking through that door until well into July.”

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