Skanky Stadium

I am in New York City for a work trip. Last night I decided to head up to the Bronx to catch the Indians-Yankees game at Yankee Stadium.

During the 5th inning a family in the row behind me was ordering Cracker Jacks from a vendor. Meanwhile, some people in my row summoned the hot dog vendor. Apparently the Cracker Jack guy was blocking the path and taking too long, so the hot dog vendor started getting surly with him. A fisticuffs nearly broke out between the Cracker Jack vendor and the hot dog vendor. Just the type of experience you expect in Skanky Stadium.

Sing with me now…”take me out to the ball game, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don’t care if the hot dog guy gets jacked.”

Yankees got shut out by the way. They looked really bad. Most fans left in the 7th inning, demonstrating that they don’t have a lot of faith in this team’s ability to rally in the late innings.

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