The combine is one of the NFL offseason events that few fans cared about 10 years ago. Access was limited and coverage was minimal. Now, however, the combine is a weeklong event that dominates the airwaves of ESPN and the NFL Network. Forty times, drills, and interviews are now broadcast live. For many fans, like myself, television coverage is not enough. I want to know exactly why the players run every drill, what they are being asked in private interviews, how coaches and front offices interact at the combine. Fortunately, Sports Media Worldwide (SMWW) coordinates with NFL and media personnel in order produce a football focused sports conference. Early bird discounted registration is still available here. Registration is a simple as clicking on the appropriate registering link and filling out a short form. SMWW also offers college credit for students like myself and group discounts.
SMWW’s conference is full of valuable seminars that peak the interest of the many behind the scenes aspects of the NFL. While this years schedule will not be posted until later in the month, if it is anything like last year, the 2011 conference should keep those attending busy and pleased. Last year, there were panels on sales and marketing in the NFL, on agents, on the business side of football and on scouting. As someone who is most interested in the NFL Draft, I will certainly be front and center at the scouting panel. However, that doesn’t mean the other events won’t be valuable. The presenters at each panel are highly esteemed, and last year contained members from both the Pacers and the Colts, multiple current NFL front office personnel and media personalities Adam Schefter and Will Carroll. The conference also gives you access to the hub of activity that downtown Indianapolis becomes during the combine. SMWW gives attendees access to the Fritz Pollard Alliance Reception, where each NFL team has a table for their staff, with additional tables for those at the conference. The SMWW Sports Career Conference at the Combine is a truly unique way to experience the NFL and break into the business of sports.
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