Sniff Sniff… What’s That Smell? Oh No… The Craptors…

Soooo… In an 82-game season, a fan must know that their team’s going to put up a stinker every now and then. Raptors, you’re off the hook for this one, this is your mulligan.

The Raptors were replaced on the floor tonight by their energy-lacking alter egos otherwise known as the Craptors. The Mavericks took full advantage, welcoming back Josh Howard and running and gunning off the many jump shots Toronto settled for, coming away with a 129-101 win. Dirk led the way for Dallas with 29 and 9, Marion had 18 and 8 going 9-11 from the field and Jason Terry had 19 going 8-12 off the bench. Josh Howard returned for his first game back from left ankle and wrist surgeries, scoring 16 with 3 steals. Non-Craptor versions of Chris Bosh (26 and 12) and Bargnani (22 points) were the only bright spots for the Raps.

Things looked so promising a night ago as Toronto put away New Orleans early, allowing them to rest their starters in the fourth. Unfortunately, the bench felt the effects of the back to back, going 10-28 from the field. Take away Marcus Banks’ 2-2 and Patrick O’Bryant’s 2-2 during garbage time, and you have a craptacular 6-24.

We’ll chalk this one up to the first back to back of the year.

P.S. – If you haven’t noticed already, I lovewindow.location=””; Urban Dictionary. As of this writing, I’m trying to get them to approve the word “Stinker” as used in the sports context above. It may have been approved already as the 14th definition of stinker. Thanks Raptors, even in craptastic defeat, you inspire!

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