So Much for Remembering to Post Weekly Features

Here at BMR, we hate Mondays. So, to try and ease everyone back into the work week, we present to you a weekly installment of nonsense and (hopefully) laughter. Without further ado, here is your Monday morning ice breaker… On Tuesday… Night…

Yea, I guess I kinda forgot about this ol’ boy. I’m not really sure if any of you actually like this weekly video feature, but it does serve a purpose — it certainly fills some space.

This video makes me cringe a bit, but that’s only because it features a bit about a certain Stanley Cup winning team. But that’s OK. I can block off the feelings that come from being bred to hate the Rangers. I’m an equal opportunity blogger.

Anyway, the guys over at the 2 Man Advantage have filmed a gem this week. They’ve got a hilarious interview with Neil Smith, ex-Rangers GM (among other things). Not only that, Neil is half naked for part of the video and it takes place in a locker room. Who doesn’t want to see that? Oh… right. Everyone.

…and what’s the deal with the army gear? _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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