Some tough questions for Joe Torre

It seems in writing his new book, “The Yankee Year,” Joe Torre has opened himself up to a whole slew of questions. I’ve come up with a list of some queries I have for Torre regarding his 12 years in New York. You can read my list at the Perpetual Post site. Click here to go there.

The site also features Jon and I arguing about the Yankees/Mets inaugural patches. Click here to read that.

And here’s another question I’d like to see somebody ask Torre. David Justice said at the time of the Mitchell Report, and again this morning, that in 2000, Brian McNamee left a container of human growth hormone in his locker for him to use, but that Justice claimed he turned him down because he was afraid of needles.

Think about that for a second. McNamee, who was on the Yankee payroll at that time as a strength and conditioning coach, was apparently so brazen about peddling PEDs in the Bomber clubhouse, that he could just slip HGH into players’ lockers.

So where was Joe Torre when all this was happening in his own clubhouse? I hope he’s asked about that during his book tour.

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