Chuck’s been hammering Doc for playing Paul and Ray too much… and rigthly so. Today, I guess it’s my turn.
I’ll say right up front that Gabe Pruitt and Bill Walker didn’t exactly light it up last night. I can’t remember how many times a ball hit one of those guys in the hands and was fumbled. That type of thing is not going to earn you any minutes.
But last night was the perfect time for Doc to live up to his own words from a few weeks ago.
“Even if I play a Billy (Walker) and a Gabe (Pruitt) and we’re struggling with them in, I’ve got to sit and take it because I can’t burn Paul and Ray out. That’s going to be a tough one.
It’s one thing for an idiot blogger to write something about Doc Rivers blasting him for how he’s playing his guys. I’ve never been closer than 30 rows from an NBA bench and most of that time I’m double fisting beers. I get it. But I’m not asking Doc to listen to me or the fans. I’m asking Doc to listen to himself. You said that you’d have to sit and take it, but last night you didn’t. Not only both play more than 40 minutes last night… Pierce is averaging over 41 mpg and Ray is averaging over 37 mpg since February 1.
Enough is enough, Doc. Something has got to give. You keep talking a good game about not burning these guys out. You keep saying being healthy for the playoffs is more important. But what you say and what you do are completely different things.
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