Sox and Twins Are Meeting Now

Sox and Twins Are Meeting NowRepresentatives from the Twins and Red Sox are meeting now in Nashville to discuss the details of a trade for Santana. The latest reports have the Twins possibly throwing in another player to get the Red Sox to give a little more. Also the Angels are reportedly getting back into the mix with a Jered Weaver offer. Things are moving fast and the Red Sox executives are not talking which usually means a deal is close. The bad news for Sox fans is Jacoby may be gone but Buchholz will stay. Ellsbury agreed to have Scott Boras represent him yesterday making him more expensive in the long run; this may make Jacoby’s departure a little easier if the deal gets done. If Boston gets Santana they will have the best rotation in baseball with Beckett, Santana, Schilling, Dice-K, and Buchholz. The good times could keep coming in Boston. By the way, the Pats are still undefeated.

UPDATE: Peter Gammons is reporting that a 5th player has been added to the Sox offer: Ryan Kalish. That would put the offer at Lester, Coco, Masterson, Lowrie and Kalish for Santana.

UPDATE 2: The Boston Herald is reporting the Twins want the Santana deal done by the end of today.

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