Sox Come Up Short in K.C.

The Red Sox could not survive another shaky outing by Clay Buchholz in K.C. tonight. Boston scored two in the first but then had no answer for Meche. They were able to get something started in the 8th but Tek lost a long battle with Mahay to end the inning. In the 9th the Sox had 2 on with one out when Big Papi came to the plate. He grounded out but moved the tying run into scoring position. K.C. chose to walk Youk to load the bases and bring up Jason Bay. A botched play on the left side of the infield put the Sox within one and Casey at the bat. He did not strike out like in the famous story but he did get out on a line drive to right. Boston had their chances late but could not come up with the big hit. The run that Buchholz let in by hitting a batter with bases juiced now hurts even more.

Sox Lose 4-3 BOX SCORE

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