Sox-Twins On ESPN…5 Things Joe Morgan Will Say

Tonight’s Red Sox Twins game will be on ESPN for Sunday Night baseball meaning we get to hear Joe Morgan say the same comments he does every time the Sox play. Here are 5 things you know he will talk about.

1. With Wakefield pitching he will once again over-explain what knuckleball is, as if we have never seen the pitch before

2. He will say how David Ortiz will come out of his slump and he is not as bad a hitter as his average indicates.

3. He will refer to the 1975 World Series.

4. He will say Manny Ramirez is going into the Hall of Fame

5. He will say the Yankees are not out of the running for the division and will bring up A-Rod coming off the DL.

See if you can guess the order in which he says the above or add your own.
Here’s some typical Joe Morgan insight from an earlier game.

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