Thursday night, Kavya Shivashankar won the Spelling Bee, with the word “Laodicean”. It means “lukewarm or indifferent to religion or politics”. Go use it in your every day life. Now, I would like to hear Kavya spell some of these words.
Khabibulin: Of or related to a wall, but far more penetrable
Neckar: A word whose pronunciation is inexplicable as it relates to its spelling
Bryzgalov: One who bases his entire career on a brief moment of glory
Zdeno: A graceful but oafish giant
McBrayer: One who fortune smiles on with stunning regularity
Tlusty: One who takes questionable self portraits
Haha, get it? Hockey players are foreign and have difficult to spell names! But I’m not really a hack like that. No, I just wanted to note that this kid grows better facial hair than Sidney Crosby. And his name is Sid as well!
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