Spezza A “Wimp”

Spezza A From Adrian Dater’s blog on the Denver Post:

Astute watchers of the Avalanche on Altitude might have picked up on this last night. If not, I’m here to helpfully remind you:
Former Avs winger Mark Rycroft – who I think is terrific at his job and has really added a lot to the Altitude team – nonetheless made what has to be considered a pretty controversial statement about Jason Spezza of the Ottawa Senators, who play the Avs Friday night in Denver.

Of Spezza, Rycroft said, “He’s a wimp. He doesn’t want to go in the corners. He wants easy points.”

Don’t expect Jason Spezza to reciprocate with some trash talk of his own. Judging by Rycroft’s numbers – 21 goals, 25 assists and 113 PIM over the course of his 226 game NHL career – Spezza probably has no idea who Rycroft is. So if Rycroft can’t back up his talk with numbers, what about when he actually drops the mitts himself?


Who knows though, maybe they have crossed paths before and Rycroft holds some grudge and can’t let it go? Kind of like how Rycroft can’t move on from his 1990’s inspired Jason Priestley 90210 coif.

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