Sports Media Weekly Podcast No. 18

A new edition of the Sports Media Weekly Podcast with Southeastern New England media mogul Keith Thibault of Sports Media Journal. This was a very good edition if I do so myself.

In the first segment, Keith and I talk about MLB Network getting the big interview of Mark McGwire as he admitted using steroids to Bob Costas. We discuss the increasing influence of league-owned networks and their increasing role in sports media.

Then, Keith and I look at CBS cutting its rate for a Super Bowl ad and the economy’s role in the lower prices. We also converse about the new Fox Soccer Plus premium channel that launches in March, and our last subject was Tennis Channel’s increased role in the Australian Open.

Our guest this week is the always lovely Trenni Kusnierek of MLB Network. We ask Trenni about her impressions of the first year of the new network, her travels, her beginning in sports television, and what she sees for Year Two of MLBN.

It’s a great listen. Trenni’s great to talk with and it’s safe to say that we’ll have her on again.

Download the podcast here. Or you can go to iTunes and subscribe to our podcast under “Sports Media Journal”. Don’t forget to leave feedback so we know you’re enjoying or not enjoying the podcast.

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