Spurrier’s success may help at Clemson

made today in Gville News Voices section. Today, I was watching the final round of the British Open (watching Harrington blow up on 18 and Garcia missing the putt…now a playoff which I am pulling for PH) and reading the Greenville News when I ran across this point in the Voices Section. It is a letter submitted in the editorial section and it made me laugh to myself while thinking “bless his heart.”

It is written by John C. Edwards. It is titled – Spurrier’s success may help at Clemson. It reads: Congratulations to a recent letter writer for telling it like it is about Clemson football (Clemson settling for mediocre football). My hope on this unhappy situation is that when Coach Steve Spurrier continues to improve at South Carolina and continues to beat Clemson, it will bring about the lifting of the “Bowden curse.”

The last letter that this author refers to basically said that Clemson fans, under Bowden, have settled for “so so” football results and to look to this season as another dose of “almost.” I agree here and still say this is Bowden’s make or break year. Either put up 9 wins or call it a day. Many in the fanbase are growing tired of Bowden and this letter caps it off. I assume the “Bowden Curse” he refers to and its’ lifting says that Tommy needs to go. I do hope Mr. Edwards is right and that USC will continue to improve and the tide of the rivalry has shifted to USC dominance. What do you think?

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