Spurscast Live tomorrow night!

Looks like we will be doing another live, interactive show tomorrow night following the Spurs vs. Jazz game. This show will be a bit of a beta test of a different live service called Skypecasting. We were planning to use another service I had been testing, but our slot was filled, so we went ahead with Skypecasting. If we (hosts and participants) end up liking this over the other service, we’ll continue to use it. All you have to have is Skype, which is free and available here.
I went ahead and scheduled it for 9:45 p.m. CST tomorrow (Friday) night in case the game goes over a bit.
What you have to do to listen live or participate:
Some time at or before 9:45 p.m., go to this link.
At that time, if you are signed into Skype, there will be a link that says something to the effect of “Join this Skypecast” and if you are not signed in, it will say “Sign in to join” allowing you to sign in to skype and dial you into the Skypecast conference. The conference does not require Skype credits and if you have any problems getting in, which I doubt will happen…feel free to either IM me on AIM at madgfx77 or send me a message over skype. My account name on Skype is mad0214.
As soon as you are dialed into the Skypecast, you will be fed the live show audio and can request to speak within the show page that pops up showing everyone in the skypecast.
If you want to interact, but do not want to “call-in” there will be several ways. You can instant message me anytime during the show on AIM: madgfx77 or chat in the temp Project Spurs chat room to leave instant feedback. I’ll be monitoring AIM and all of the hosts and I will be chatting during the show,
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the game, the status of the Spurs as we get closer to closing out the season….or hey, you can even comment on Tony’s new rap album. We look forward to having as many of you as possible for a fun and interactive show. We will also be opening up the lines more often and earlier in the show, since the live aspect, interaction and opinion of other Spurs fans is important to us.

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