Spy Gate II – Easterbrook’s Revenge

For those who haven’t heard, Spygate is breaking loose all over again. This time the Patriots are accused of video taping a private pre-Super Bowl walkthrough prior to their game against the Rams in 2002. There’s not much new to say about this other than:

1. Are we really surprised?
2. There had better be serious penalties if the allegations are proved. Belichick should be suspended for at least one year. The franchise should be forced to forfeit their title.
3. The bloom is off this rose. The Patriots ‘dynasty’ will forever be remembered as cheaters on a Nixonian level. They could reestablish diplomatic relations with China, and it wouldn’t be enough to save their legacy.

In a way, this the most glorious thing that could have happened today. If the Pats win tomorrow they will be reviled. If they lose, America will dance on their collective graves. Matt Walsh, potentially the key witness in this saga, seems terrified of retribution by the Pats legal goon squad, saying he wouldn’t reveal any of his hard evidence with guarantees of legal protection from ESPN.

For the next month, we’ll be hearing more about congressional hearings. Belichick, Goodell, and Matt Walsh will all be called to testify. With any luck, BB will have to testify under oath to his misdeeds. The Patriots have shamed the entire NFL.

We’ve been reasonably magnanimous to the Pats this year (other than, you know, 88 reasons we hate them). We didn’t think the original allegations merited more penalty than what they got. We already conceded them the Super Bowl. But this, if true, is a whole new level. Sneaking into a private practice at a neutral site facility and video taping practice is insanely low. This is a whole different plane of crapulence.

There is simply no question. This is now the single most hateable team in the history of North American pro-sports.

Demond Sanders: You gotta love the NFL’s response to the latest report of spying. “We were aware of the rumor months ago and looked into it. There was no evidence of it on the tapes or in the notes produced by the Patriots, and the Patriots told us it was not true,” NFL spokesman Greg Aiello told The Associated Press. Oh, well, if the Patriots say it didn’t happen then okay.

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