Spy Yawn

I’m going to make this short because the seas could run full with the ink that has been wasted on Spygate the past few months. I must say, I am disappointed there wasn’t more damning evidence coming from Matt Walsh than what was presented, but all in all it’s been a fun ride. Being able to chide and needle the Pats fans with this story has been great, but hopefully we can all stop pretending it’s relevant. The thing that’s great about all this is that it proves that it doesn’t pay to be a jerk. The fact is that everyone was way harder on Belichick because he’s an insufferable ahole. Pats fans oddly relished and excused their coach’s behavior because they somehow thought that it made him a better coach. Now he’s been publicly slapped down, and their franchise has been soiled mostly because no one ever liked the guy to begin with. Hi-freaking-larious. Do I really think all this is that big a deal? No, of course not. We said so months ago, but I always enjoy ironic punishment, and the last several months have been full of it for the NFL’s least likable franchise and fans. It’s been a fun side show, but let’s move on and get ready for football season.

I do want to add one comment about the Boston Herald. Thanks for helping bloggers everywhere look good. Real nice job guys. I used to think the Boston fans were just whining like everyone else when they complain about the local papers (for the record, we only complain about Kravitz…we love the rest of the guys at the Star). Now I can see what they are talking about. The AP, ESPN and everyone else were forced to run with the story once you ‘broke it’. You ran the story without: ever talking to the man with the tapes, ever seeing the tapes, and without your ‘source’ having ever seen the tapes. Niiiiiice. I would certainly hope every Patriots fan would immediately cancel their subscription.

Links: Here’s an interesting SI piece about misconceptions in the game. #1 and 2 are right on. #3 makes sense when you read what he saying (turnovers should be taken in context), but he’s on dangerous turf. You almost can’t overemphasize turnovers. They do turn the game. It’s true though, that not all are created equal. A pick 40 yards down field on 3rd and 17 isn’t really a turn over. It’s a disguised punt. A missed field goal is a deadly play for a team. It’s a concise, fairly obvious piece, but useful.

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