St. Louis Gets Olympic Wish, Replaces Stamkos


MStLouis7Team Canada has named Lightning captain Martin St. Louis as Steven Stamkos‘ replacement for the Sochi Olympics. On Wednesday, Stamkos took himself out of the running, as his 12 week x-ray showed that the tibia fracture had not healed fully. (Photos/Susan Ferlita)

Many media outlets were predicting that St. Louis would get the nod.

This is St. Louis’ first Olympics, coming  four years after Yzerman left him off the roster in 2010. After this years earlier snub, St. Louis said “Of course I was bitter. I’ve been motivated the last four years. The last 10 years.”

An interesting fact is that St. Louis is Team Canada’s 14th forward, which means one forward will be scratched for every game.

St. Louis becomes the oldest player on the Canadian roster, a position previously held by 34-year-old Roberto Luongo. He is the oldest Canadian hockey Olympian since NHL players have competed.

Here is Team Canada’s announcement via Twitter:

“If anyone could replace him, I know he would want me,”  St. Louis said during a press conference in Tampa this morning. “For a lot of us that play the game, going on the ice is the best therapy. This is a great opportunity for me; I’ve worked hard for this,” St. Louis said during a news conference Thursday morning at the Forum. “But I feel bad for Stammer. Canada is going to miss him. But I know if Stammer wanted somebody to go he would have chosen me, so I’m going to do my best to fill his spot.”

You can listen to St. Louis’ press conference here and Stamkos’ conference here.

(Feature Box Photo/ tcveasey2010)

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