Streaming The Bruins 101


If you’re new to streaming the Bruins this season, we got your back. Last night the Bruins played in Montreal and it wasn’t broadcast on US television. If you wanted to watch the game you had to do it on your computer and listen to the game in French. Based on a few Facebook messages and numerous tweets it seems that a lot of people were having issues navigating the streams due to pop-ups and adds. I figured a quick tutorial to those who are first time streamers and/or not very computer savvy should do the trick. 1. Download Adblock Plus.

  • Adblock Plus is a free add-on to your browser (and is compatible with almost every browser out there) that blocks ads on websites. No more annoying and shitty pop-ups!

2. Go to the stream site. 3. Click on any ‘X’ you see on the screen.

  • The X is from the ads that you’re blocking. You won’t see the ads themselves, but you’ll still need to close them out.

4. Enjoy the stream.

It is that easy. If you have any questions, please tweet me (@PezDOY). I can certainly vouch for the site that we use because I used them throughout the playoffs last year and have used them for other sports as well. Just know this: you’re streaming something for free. While the stream may come in clear sometimes, sometimes it will come in a little shitty. These are the drawbacks of streaming games, especially if your connection is being interrupted or shared with other devices. If you’re looking for a stream that is in crystal clear HD and with no delay, you’re probably going to have to pay for it. I just want to make that clear to everyone before I am flooded with tweets and emails about quality.

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