Suggestions for the Islanders’ Sign Guy

Suggestions for the Islanders' Sign Guy

(C) New York Islanders

So the Islanders have this fan, one of the attention seeking eccentric types, who always has some sign at the games. He must work for some company that makes signs. That or he wastes an awful lot of money getting these things printed up.

Anywho, he appeared on the Islanders’ website this morning along side the NHL’s newest head coach, Scott Gordon. The sign he had, as can be seen to your right, read ‘beam us up, Scotty’. Clearly lacking on the originality scale. That’s where we come in. As a public service, I’m suggestion we help out Sign Guy. He clearly needs a little bit of inspiration, and I think we’re just the folks to give it to him (but not in that way).

  • Scotty doesn’t know (that Fiona and me do it in his van every sunday).
  • Welcome to Survivor 20: Long Island coach
  • Welcome to New York! How you doin? Fuggedaboutit.
  • At least you’re used to coaching an AHL-Calibur team.
  • Meet your new boss, Rick DiPietro.
  • Yes, we are really in the NHL.
  • Welcome to Long Island, where old veterans go to retire.
  • Welcome to Long Island, remember it’s an island. There’s no escape.
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