Sunday Night Links

Well, my day was planned for me again today. Mom and dad recruited me to take them to Massachusetts and drive them all over the Commonwealth. I hate having to get up early on a Sunday morning and come in late unless I’m doing it on my own. Ruins my schedule especially for blogging.

Anyway, I’ll give you some links tonight as I’m DVR’ing Mad Men and yes, I’m taking a break from the Olympics for an hour.

Starting with Newsday’s Neil Best, he writes about life without Chris “Mad Dog” Russo for WFAN’s Mike Francesa.

Bob Raissman from the New York Daily News writes the success or failure of WFAN now rests on the broad shoulders of Mike Francesa.

The Orbitcast satellite radio blog delves further into the rumors that Russo could be joining Sirius.

David Scott of the Boston Sports Media Watch has a look at another new hire at Morrissey Blvd. in Boston.

Bill Carter and Richard Sandomir of the New York Times team up on an article about NBC being a huge winner at the Olympics. And we have three more links to Richard today. Richard says NBC’s Dan Hicks and Rowdy Gaines showed restraint in calling Michael Phelps’ record breaking 8th gold medal win. He also looks back at ABC’s coverage of Mark Spitz winning his 7th gold medal back in the 1972 Munich Olympics. He has a story on a website that aims to be the Facebook for sports fans.

Ray Frager of the Baltimore Sun looks into the Olympic ratings from the Baltimore standpoint.

Barry Horn of the Dallas Morning News has eight thoughts on the Olympics to date.

Chris Zelkovich of the Toronto Star preferred CBC’s live coverage of the men’s 100 meter dash to NBC’s taped package in primetime.

CNBC’s Darren Rovell says there may be a method to Usain Bolt’s celebration madness during the 100 meter dash on Saturday.

Pete Dougherty of the Albany Times Union talks about John Sterling’s massive blown call during the Yankees game on Sunday.

The New York Post’s Phil Mushnick feels the NFL’s new Fan Code of Conduct is targeted at the wrong people.

Bob Wolfley of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel looks at the NFL Network’s latest installment of America’s Game that premieres on September 3.

The Sports Media Watch has its weekend ratings predictions.

That’s going to do it.

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