Suspension Has Noesen’s WJC In Doubt

The Senators have two prospects slated to travel to Ufa for this year's WJC. And if the IIHF holds to the letter of their own law, it could be only Mikael Wikstrand who makes the trip.

On Wednesday, Stefan Noesen was handed a 10-game suspension for a hit placed on the Oshawa Generals Tyler Hore (video of which you can see above).

Chris Peters at United States Of Hockey has the story since:

"According to IIHF by-laws, the suspension may render the big right winger ineligible to participate in the 2013 World Junior Championship, as the international governing body tends to honor discipline from individual leagues.

A source familiar with this process explained that USA Hockey can appeal should the IIHF honor the OHL's decision, which is what is expected to happen.

Noesen is elibilbe to return to OHL play on Jan. 11th. Even if the IIHF accounts for time served, the Whalers only have two games between now and the start of the tournament. Noesen already sat out Wednesday night's game. Using that info, there will be seven games left on Noesen's suspension which would mean he'd likely have to miss about four or five tournament games. If the IIHF decides to uphold the ruling, it likely dashes Noesen's hopes."

Tough break.


Chris now has "a source with direct knowledge of the situation" stating the "IIHF intends to honour OHL's suspension of Noesen".

Anyone like his chances on appeal?

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