Sweet Jesus, Braylon Edwards is good

Of course, he sucked balls four years ago, but I’m willing to forgive him for being so obviously drunk on the day he signed his college commitment letter of intent.

The Cleveland Browns are playing their first pre-season game, but currently it’s stopped due to heavy rain. Apparently the NFL instituted a new rule today mandating that Brett Favre may not get wet under any circumstances.

Usually about 30 minutes into the first pre-season game, the starters are all pulled anyway, and that will be the case when the storm ends. But if you were watching the game up to this point, then you know the Braylon Edwards catch that inspired this posting. If you weren’t watching it live, get thy self in front of a TV when Sportscenter is on later.

I’ll post the video if I can later, but it was incredible.

QB (for now) Derek Anderson went back to pass on second-and-goal at the 2, and threw a quick out pass in the direction of Edwards. Braylon turned to the inside, and was forced to stretch hard to his own left to haul in a one-handed catch in the end zone. My feeble words will not do it justice, so you’ll have to see it for yourself.

Seriously, it was sweet. I’m glad he saved these catches for the years he played for the Good Guys, and dropped a shitload of them when he stepped on the grass about 2 hours southwest of Cleveland Browns Stadium.

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