T6S Podcast: Episode 3 ft. Bruce Firestone (@ProfBruce)

It took some time, but here’s a fresh episode of The 6th Sens Podcast has been recorded and is free to download!

In the latest episode, I interviewed the Senators’ founder and first owner Bruce Firestone about the state of the organization, LeBreton Flats and the publication of ‘Don’t Back Down: The real story behind the founding of the Ottawa Senators’. Bruce’s book is currently available in e-Book form for $9.95 and will be available to order in paperback soon.

For anyone interested in the history of the Ottawa Senators and the economics driving the sport, it’s an incredibly worthwhile read. You can purchase the book via Bruce’s online store and if you’re not already, you can also follow Bruce on Twitter @ProfBruce. While you’re at it, you should also be following my co-host @creecher1200 on Twitter too!

But before you scroll down and jump right into the latest episode of the pod, buy the book!!!  And when you’re done doing that, I encourage you to take the time and visit our Patreon page.

What is Patreon?

It’s a crowdfunding site that allows an audience to help support content creators whose work you enjoy. Patreon allows you to support this podcast and cover expenses like registering for a pro Soundcloud page (allowing us unlimited upload storage space for our podcasts) while also allowing us to invest in more or better equipment which will help make this podcast as good as it can be. Right now, my goal is to fund our SoundCloud page and help recoup the costs of the investment made to buy our new equipment. It’s a bit of an ambitious goal. What Patreon allows you to do make small monthly donations that will collectively help us recoup these costs.

As an incentive to invest, not only can we continue to record our podcasts, but we can also throw in perks for those who make donations. Creech and I spitballed ideas on this episode of the podcast, but we’re hoping that events like organizing a shinny game, renting ice to play pick up or going out for beers while watching an out of town game are the kinds of things that will entice readers/listeners to donate.

Admittedly, it feels a bit weird to ask readers to support us and I know not everyone will be interested in supporting the podcast. That’s fine. The podcast will continue to exist as a free entity. You can stream or download it using SoundCloud or by visiting our Patreon page. I’ve embedded the SoundCloud player below.

The podcast is also available on Itunes, so if that’s your preferred method of access, have at it.

Again, thanks for reading and supporting this blog and podcast over the years.

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