Talk about YOUNG

I never knew just how young some of these legendary coaches were when they first broke through. Bobby Knight was just 32 when he led Indiana to the Final Four? Dean Smith 36 for Carolina? I always thought he was like 50 years old when he graduated high school. He’s so old now I think he finally passed his father.

Pitino was young, that much I knew, but man, Bennett is older than all these guys! I’m not about to predict that we’re going to make it all the way this year, I mean the bracket is tough as hell and everything has to go just right for a team that doesn’t have a single second of NCAA experience, but, it’s not such a crazy thought when you see how young some of the legends were when they first kicked down the door. Bennett at 37? Why not, for he is the Sporting News NCAA Coach of the year?!?!

Happy to see Duckhater scored 2 tix for Thursday’s games. Enjoy it as much as you can and bring home a W over Oral Roberts!

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