Tasergate Heats Up

During the Sox/Rays game yesterday a Red Sox fan fought the law and the law won. Here is what Sox fan Chris Sciesinski said he was trying to do.Tasergate Heats Up

“Some of the people tried to have us kicked out once,” he said. “Didn’t work. Finally the second time security came over and I told my friend, I said, ‘You know what? If they’re kicking us out I’m getting arrested. I’m doing this,’ I said, ‘I’m running.

“I was going to run out onto the field and I was going to run across over towards the Red Sox dugout and stick my hand out and I was going to high five all the players. And I was just going to run around the field until someone tackled me.”

Sciesinski said he was already in handcuffs when McGovern threatened to hit him with the Taser.

“I don’t think he should’ve put the Taser to my head, but we’ll see from here,”

I would say that Sciesinski is not among the smartest members of Red Sox Nation and I doubt there would be any players willing to accomidate his hi-five request, especially since Manny has left the building. There is a new investigation into the actions by St. Petersburg’s finest about the incident.

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