And now for something completely different… After a long day covering the not new “News”, it’s time to dust of the ol standby to soothe the scarlet and gray soul. Yup, it’s our occassional feature where we bring you the dulcet tones that are running through our lives and through our heads.
And this time, it’s got an “audience participation” twist. You may know that we’re big fans of The Ohio State Marching band, hereabouts… we’ve got some band geeks writing for us, and our corporate wallpaper celebrates the group that kicks major brass.
So we were excited to get an email about a way to help the drum line win a competition against those scalawags at Wisconsin, Purdue, and Minnesota. Seems that Red Bull has a contest running where various drum lines are competing for prizes and so forth, and the Scarlet and Gray are leading the pack for the “Midwest Conference”. You can check their entry after the break
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnDm8L6Q8IU?rel=0&w=550&h=339]
I know I’m a homer, but this is solid work (granted, I have no descernable rhythm)… feel free to check out the (inferior) competition as well.
Now for your part: To help them win, you’ll need to go over to the Red Bull Site, select “Midwest Conference”, and vote for the JI-Row. You can also get more info at their Facebook page– If they win, it’s a trip to Brazil for the finals. We’re hoping they need some of us to go for appropriate media coverage.
As anyone who’s been to the ‘Shoe or the Schott knows, the band is a HUGE part of the game day experience. Make a difference, and Go Bucks!!
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