TBS Hot Corner, Day 10 or This Could Be The End

This is like anticipating the last day of school. You’re kind of glad it’s here, but at the same time, you’re sad because it means the end. If Colorado wins tonight, this could be the end of TBS Hot Corner for this year. And it’s been fun to watch. Can you believe I’m actually rooting for Arizona to win tonight so we can have one more edition on Wednesday? I’m not rooting for the Diamondbacks because I want them to win, I want to have another day of Hot Corner so I can have something to write about.

I think the suits at Turner feel confident with hosts Heather Catlin, tool Matt Dagostino and Kelly Cross to have them fill time without a guest. As I mentioned, their chemistry is good and the show works. As of this post, Heather and Matt are discussing the steroids issue and the soon-to-be published Mitchell Report which will supposedly name names of those who juiced. It’s a good discussion and fans are sending their comments to Kelly.

Heather is looking lovely as always. Kelly also looks lovely. In fact, they both are stunning tonight. Matt? Not even close.

Anyway, we’re early in the game, scoreless through 2 innings of play. I’m hoping this game takes my mind off the Red Sox loss earlier tonight. We’ll be back down the line if anything breaks.

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